How to conquer the cold calling? | Fajar Realty

How to conquer the cold calling?

Whether you are seeking to obtain new renters, find new lists or contact property owners, cold calls are a part of the day-to-day business of an agency. While it can be intimidating, various things can be done to prepare for the seemingly intimidating undertaking. Here are our top 10 recommendations on how to assist agents in overcoming their phobia of cold calls.

  1. Have a pleasant workplace

Prepare for cold calling physically. Make sure that you’re sitting comfortably for a long time. Cold calling needs concentrate, therefore you must be in a distraction-free setting, and you will not be interrupted someplace. The more relaxed you are in your setting, the more natural you are to your customers.

If you prefer to wander about during phone talks, consider a Bluetooth headset. You should make the area where you are calling cold and wherever you are productive and work best. Of course, it is always an excellent beginning to have a strong cup of coffee ready.

  1. Build a Good Script

Please spend some time developing a script to start the discussions with your clients on a firm foundation. Make sure you identify relevant, qualifying questions that will facilitate your work during your future steps. Prepare scripts for various scenarios, such as contacting new tenants and prospective house owners and landlords. Take some time to sit down and distinguish your clients, and then develop a script for each.

It is crucial to attempt to memorise how much of your script and recall all the essential questions. In this approach, you find your customer less strained and more natural. Your calls will look more personal and less like a cold call.


  1. Know your things

That stated, while preparing a decent script, it should be flexible enough to adjust it while calling. At some time, things will inevitably go off-script and ahead to what might be unchartered ground. Therefore, it is crucial that you, as an agent, are comfortable enough with the regions, issues, and anything else that may emerge during the call. Become familiarised with rare questions and read what you’re going to talk about. This allows the script to flow smoothly and conveniently so that the call remains as natural as possible.

  1. Work with an excellent call list

While it is doubtful that everyone that you call wants to agree immediately, your task will be much easier if you work with an updated call list of people that can become possible leads. A call list should be updated regularly. Making notes and noting any leads you have called on your call list is highly crucial. This will assist prevent the same lead from being called twice over a short period.

  1. Take your call timings into account

Find out how best to call your prospective customers. If they are too busy to pick up the phone and are in the middle of a frantic business day, there is no purpose in phoning them. Do some study, look back to see how successful your appeals were, and then work around it. Identify and centre your schedule in time for any patterns. By phoning the correct time, you are more likely to convert your leadership or receive a follow-up.

  1. Have a good message for voicemail

Not everyone will take your calls, but you should use voice mail messages. This is a fantastic method to break the ice, introduce yourself and urge your future customer to call back. Make sure to make it friendly, clear, but above all, to the point. State clearly who you are and why you call. Make sure the message is brief and doesn’t roll on. This helps to ensure that the message is heard throughout. An excellent rule is always to keep the customer looking for more information. This will inspire you to take the telephone and inquire directly.

  1. Make sure that you follow up

Your first call to a customer may be incredible, but you are unlikely to conclude a sale there and then. It is therefore essential that you take the initiative and pursue any viable paths. It is the agent’s task to return to the paths they have called and encourage them further to convert. Following up promptly will keep you in mind and make you more likely to choose you as your agent.

  1. Hear your caller

While preparing a script is vital, the best sellers/agents are good listeners. Be careful to see what your customer wants, to collect any specifics or pieces of information that you may utilise to work with them. Monitoring the precise information of each customer can be challenging, especially when making a lot of phone calls in one day. Agents should therefore maintain a notepad handy to write notes and comments to which they can refer and help make the experience more personal for your customer.

  1. Work with your colleagues

Positive, like-minded people must surround you. Act as the support system for each other and encourage one another whenever possible. It sometimes gets disappointing. Calling and not receiving back is the nature of the work, but it makes it simpler for you to talk to and motivate others.

  1. Don’t worry about the word ‘no.’

The only word that, sadly, you will hear many times while phoning cold is ‘no.’ Not every lead will succeed, and rejection will take place. It is essential that agents not take it personally and understand that it’s not because it’s terrible at the job to hear this word multiple times. Agents should concentrate on the good, and these leads have become sales and are near to closing.

Although this is easier to say than to do, celebrating all the great leads can help alleviate the negativity around the word ‘no.’ Use the exhilaration of an excellent call to dust a hard one and keep on going, no matter how minor. Maintain your motivation and move forward.

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