PRYPCO​ Mortgage - Fajar Realty


PRYPCO resolves all mortgage and property issues. Its single portal gives you access to a dedicated environment and let you design your future.


The steps involved in buying a home can seem overwhelming at first. Through PRYPCO’s centralized hub, you gain entry into a specialized ecosystem tailored to your requirements, empowering you to shape your destiny.

Amira Sajwani is the Managing Director of Damac Properties. She is the most energetic and hardworking lady, an Emirati role model for women. She leads PRYPCO to create an innovative real estate journey without any difficulty. PRYPCO is a property investment and prop-tech mortgage with the mission of creating an ecosystem for purchasers, investors, homeowners, and agents and facilitating the route to property possession using tailored support from experts in business development, sales, and mortgages.

Real estate capitalizing and buying a home are both complex endeavors with many moving parts. Amira Sajwani, founder and chief executive officer of PRYPCO, has said, “We adopt a holistic, client-friendly strategy that encompasses the various steps necessary in purchasing a home.” Since the mortgage industry is comprised of so many different types of developers, brokers, and suppliers, a platform like PRYPCO is in everyone’s best interest.


PRYPCO Founder & CEO


PRYPCO is a comprehensive network for the real estate companies that unites renters, purchasers, sellers, and landlords. It’s a network that rationalizes the home-buying process for consumers while providing them access to the business growth, sales, and individualized counsel offered by mortgage professionals

An Exceptional Face Of Real Estate Mortgage

Buying a home or capitalizing in real estate is a complex endeavour. PRYPCO is a platform that will benefit the whole industry. Amira Sajwani offers a prosperity of knowledge with PRYPCO from her long and successful business career in the real estate industry. The foundations of the organization are its technical expertise and the relationships it has cultivated with the most successful real estate agents, sales agents, and financial institutions worldwide. Clients and agents alike will receive reimbursements from the digital portal’s specific dashboard, lightning-fast approvals, and direct commission payments.

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How will Prypco work?

PRYPCO is an innovative way that will solve all your problems regarding mortgages. It will make your real estate journey easy. With Prypco, you can find your dream home without any delay. A dashboard and speedy approvals are two features of the Prypco that may find claims on the digital platform. Commissions will be distributed openly between customers and sales professionals via the system. Mortgages, equity releases, buyouts, Rent-to-Own (RTO), Rent-to-Own (RNPL), and insignificant possession are among the mortgage’s current financial services. Prypco is the comprehensive method comprising the scope of leasing processes.

She said, “We perform all the heavy lifting, from finding consumers the maximum mortgage rates to get pre-approvals within 48 hours to guarantee businesses optimize return on investment.”

Build Your Future With Prypco And Own Your Dream Home

With regional and global expansion plans, PRYPCO aims to become the leading prop-tech and property investing platform. She is the forerunner of these facilities and works with other specialists in the field to provide technologically enabled advantages that set them apart from the crowd. She is working on comprehensive remedies to shake up the housing market and establish new standards for home ownership.

There are three main components to Prypco’s functionality:

Prypco Mortgage: 

PRYPCO advisers can help you streamline the procedure, secure the right mortgage, and guide you through the entire home-buying process, counting and managing all the paperwork.

Soon-to-be-available Prypco Blocks

Prypco RNPL (Rent Now, Pay Later) is a service that allows tenants to pay their year’s rent in a single lump sum via the PRYPCO currency. You only need to make 12 monthly expenditures to clear the debt.

Prypco Mortgage Calculator:

To determine your monthly payments and see a detailed breakdown of your total mortgage amount, valuation charge, and PRYPCO-exclusive discounts, input the following:

  • The asking price for the home
  • The sum you’d want to put down as a deposit
  • The term of your mortgage on the home

The Fajar Realty PRYPCO community is here to help you succeed in all aspects of home ownership, whether you’re a first-time buyer, an experienced homeowner, an investor, or a broker. We introduce you to other like-minded individuals, leading professionals in the field, and innovative tools.

Purchasing a home or other real estate may seem like an overwhelming task at first. By using PRYPCO as your entry point, you will have access to a comprehensive platform tailored to your needs and can create your future. With Prypco you’ll get prompt approval for your mortgage without any paperwork.

Come to Fajar Realty And Own Your Dream Home With Prypco.

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