Which One Is Better For Foreign Investment – Off Plan Vs. Ready Properties? | Fajar Realty
 Which One Is Better For Foreign Investment – Off Plan Vs. Ready Properties?

Which One Is Better For Foreign Investment – Off Plan Vs. Ready Properties?

Dubai is a popular tourist destination noted for its business-friendly environment and skyscrapers. The Middle Eastern state’s economy has accelerated, with handsome returns on property investments. People who invest their hard-earned money in real estate are in heaven. If you want to make a severe investment in real estate, Dubai is the place to go.

The question now is whether to invest in off-plan or ready-to-move-in property. Should you take a smaller profit cash option or put your money on a future market price? Off-plan property purchase refers to reserving a home or apartment before the structure is built. On the other hand, the ready property refers to a system that is ready for immediate occupancy. Off-plan property has become more prevalent in recent years, and it will be one of the best methods to invest in something with long-term potential. If you need a place to live right away, look for ready-to-move-in houses. Otherwise, making off-plan investments in Dubai buildings and receiving more significant returns in the future is a preferable option.


The term “off plan property” in Dubai refers to a property that has not yet had a structure built on it! Realtors promote the construction or property from the beginning or even before it is made. The properties are offered to real estate developers and adopters to gain a better financial term from the lender for the purchase.

Here are some of the most compelling reasons to invest in pre-construction properties.

It provides low-cost and flexible payment options. Due to the length of time it takes to transfer property, property investment takes the shape of flexible plans. Off-plan property investment in Dubai has become significantly more realistic due to the excellent offers available. Plan ahead of time for the relocation of personal belongings to the property. Because the final transfer of the property will take some time, the investor will plan to relocate personal belongings properly.

The property investor realizes capital gains. The property’s market value increases and off-plan investments yield considerable capital gains. If the property’s immediate surroundings are undergoing development or construction, the property’s value will inevitably arise. It has a high rental return. Rental income is one of the most popular reasons for investing in Dubai, and with a continual stream of expats, the rental market will only grow. Make a good profit from your real estate investment by renting it out.

Off-the-plan and ready-to-move-in properties

To put it another way, off-plan properties are unfinished projects or constructions. It could be a brand-new project with simply a master plan or one currently in the works. Buildings that are ready to move into or rent out are known as ready-made properties.

  • Off-Plan Advantages
  1. Significantly less expensive
  2. Small deposits are required (5-10 percent of project costs)
  3. Flexible payment arrangements (2-5 year payment plans)
  4. A higher return on investment
  5. Rental Earnings
  6. There is a wide range of units to pick from.
  7. Offers from a custom developer
  • Off-Plan Disadvantages
  1. There’s a chance of delays, cancellations, and poor quality.
  2. Brochures, photographs, and 3D films are all used to make the purchasing choice.
  3. The slow expansion of a location
  4. There is no instant return on investment.
  5. Variations in the market
  6. Investors won’t be able to move in or rent it out right away.
  • Advantages of Ready Properties
  1. Advantage of Location (completed properties set in prime locations)
  2. The choice to buy is based on physically inspecting and touching the property.
  3. Rental income is generated right away.
  4. Loan-to-value (LTV) ratios that are higher (when applying for a mortgage from the bank)
  5. The investor can instantly move in or rent it out.
  6. When market prices surge, you can expect higher rewards.
  • Disadvantages of Ready Properties
  1. In general, the cost is higher.
  2. Payment flexibility is limited.
  3. A larger down payment is required (25 percent of project costs)
  4. Property that has been previously owned

Dubai has long been regarded as the world’s premier investment location, with real estate properties offering the best return on investment. To have a healthy investment in the industry, choose either an off-plan investment or a ready property. If you’re looking for a long-term investment, it’s best to go with an off-the-plan property. Choose the right property or plan to meet your needs.

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